Rich's Web Design - April 2014 Newsletter
WP101 - WordPress Videos
Google Translator
Google Analytics Academy

WP101 - WordPress VideosWP101 - WordPress Videos

For those of you that are interested in learning more about WordPress, has a vast library on all aspects of WordPress. Are you wondering ... What is WordPress?

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) which allows more structure to a redesigned site, allows more consistency throughout your web site, uses 'themes', a wide variety of plugins and allows easier adaptation of 'Responsive Design'. Remember me talking about this subject for 4-6 months? ... and allows easier login access so that you, the client can make content changes to your site. WordPress was originally designed to be used mostly for Blogs, but can now be adjusted for regular web sites.

I have links to some of the FREE videos, but most require my login access ... Just ask me for the login info!

WP101 WP101 WP101

BTW, all clients that are currently going thru a redesign are using WordPress, for the above reasons.
Google Translator
Have you ever wanted your web site to be available in other languages? Google has a fantastics tool called Google Translator. It can translate phrases or your entire web site, live, just by adding a few lines of code. You can select the languages you desire, or simply allow the visitor to select his / her own language.


March 27th - I completed the latest Google Analytics Academy course which focused on 'GA Platform Principles'. I went thru this course and as expected, passed w/ a 100% score. (Certificate)


Have a Great April 2014 !