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Keyboard Shortcuts - Everyone Should Know!! article from SEOConsultants.com SEOConsultants.com

These first eleven (11) Windows keyboard shortcuts utilize the Windows Key Windows Key which is located at the lower left hand corner of your keyboard between the Ctrl and Alt keys. If it is not there, then you do not have a Windows keyboard. The rest of the shortcuts are still applicable.

Ctrl Windows Key Windows Key Alt

Note: The keyboard image effects that you see above and below are being controlled through an external .css (Cascading Style Sheet) file. These are not actual images, but a carefully thought out list of CSS attributes that gives the appearance of a key on a Windows keyboard.

  1. Windows Key + E Windows Key + E
    Opens a new Explorer Window. Probably one of the hottest Windows keyboard shortcuts. This one gets a lot of hoorahs!

  2. Windows Key Windows Key
    Displays the Start Menu.

  3. Windows Key + D Windows Key + D
    Minimizes all windows and shows the Desktop.

  4. Windows Key + D Windows Key + D
    Opens all windows and takes you right back to where you were.

  5. Windows Key + F Windows Key + F
    Displays the Find, all files dialog box.

  6. Windows Key + M Windows Key + M
    Minimizes all open windows.

  7. Windows Key + Shift + E Windows Key + Shift + M
    Restores all previously open windows to how they were before you minimized them.

  8. Windows Key + R Windows Key + R
    Displays the Run command.

  9. Windows Key + F1 Windows Key + F1
    Displays the Windows Help menu.

  10. Windows Key + Pause/Break Windows Key + Pause/Break
    Displays the Systems Properties dialog box.

  11. Windows Key + Tab Windows Key + Tab
    Cycle through the buttons on the Task Bar.

  12. Alt + Tab
    Switch (toggle) between open windows.

While in Internet Explorer...

  1. Ctrl + E
    Shows the Search Pane at left.

  2. Ctrl + F
    Displays a Find on this page dialog box and allows you to search content on the page you are viewing in your browser. Neat little feature if you are searching for a specific reference on the page.

  3. Ctrl + H
    Shows you the History of web pages you've visited at left.

  4. Ctrl + I
    Shows your Favorites at left.

  5. Ctrl + N
    Opens a New window in Internet Explorer.

  6. Ctrl + W
    Closes the currently open Internet Explorer window.

  7. Alt + Left Arrow
    To go Back.

  8. Alt + Right Arrow
    To go Forward.

  9. Alt + Home
    Takes you to your Default Home Page in Internet Explorer.

  10. Ctrl + Refresh
    Refresh the web page bypassing your browser's cache.

  11. Esc
    Stop the current page from loading. Also stops animations, background sounds, etc.

  12. Shift + Click
    While clicking hyperlink on web page, opens that link in a new browser window.

While viewing a web page with vertical scroll bar...

  1. Space Bar
    To scroll Downward.

  2. Space Bar + Shift
    To scroll Upward.
    You can also use the Page Down or Page Up keys.

  3. End
    Go to End of page.

  4. Home
    Go to Top of page.

While in your favorite Word Processing or HTML Editing Programs...

  1. Ctrl + C
    Copy, places the selected/highlighted copy on the clipboard.

  2. Ctrl + H
    Replace, brings up the Find and Replace dialog box. Great for global find and replace routines while working in normal and html views in your favorite WYSIWYG editors like FrontPage. You can also use this to find and replace content within your Word Documents, Excel Spreadsheets, etc...

  3. Ctrl + O
    Open, brings up a browse dialog and allows you to select a file to open.

  4. Ctrl + V
    Paste, inserts the copy on the clipboard into the area where your flashing cursorFlashing Cursoris positioned or the area you have selected/highlighted.

  5. Ctrl + W
    Close, will close the document currently open.

  6. Ctrl + X
    Cut, removes the selected/highlighted copy and places it on the clipboard.

  7. Ctrl + Y
    Redo last command.

  8. Ctrl + Z
    Undo last command.

  9. Enter
    Creates a new Paragraph <p> (Hard Return) or what is referred to as a Hard Return.

  10. Shift + Enter
    Creates a new Line Break <br> (Soft Return) or what is referred to as a Soft Return.

  11. Shift + Arrow
    Shift + Arrow Up, Down, Left or Right. Position your cursorFlashing Cursorat the beginning of the area you wish to highlight for copying. Now use the up, down, left or right arrow keys to select areas of content to be highlighted, copied, pasted, etc.

  12. Print Screen/SysRq
    Usually located at the upper right hand corner of your keyboard next to the Scroll Lock and Pause/Break keys. I will be devoting an entire page to the Print Screen Key when time permits. Please note that not all keyboards have the Print Screen Key.

And last but not least, the infamous...

  1. Ctrl + Alt + Delete
    Doing this once will bring up the Close Program dialog box. From there you can highlight the program that you wish to force closed (End Task), look for this at the end of the program name; [not responding]. You only need to do this when a program freezes (crashes) on you, welcome to Windows!

  2. Ctrl + Alt + Delete + Ctrl + Alt + Delete
    Doing this twice will Shut Down and Reboot your computer. This is a last resort option to a severe crash and one that I typically do not recommend! Each time you do this, you cause a little disk fragmentation. If you don't defrag your hard drive on a regular basis, your system will eventually slow down and crash more frequently.

Here is a link to the Internet4Classrooms web site which has a picture of a clickable Windows Keyboard with detailed explanations of each key where applicable.

Windows Keyboard - Shortcut to Internet4Classrooms

Print Screen Key

10 Suggestions for Getting your Site Listed in the ODP

Why is the ODP so important? Because it provides directory results to Lycos, HotBot, Netscape, AOL Search, Google Directory, and the list goes on and on. So, what is the ODP? The Open Directory Project, formerly known as NewHoo, produces a comprehensive directory of websites by relying on a team of thousands of volunteer editors. Top Ten Suggestions for Getting Your Site in the ODP (Yes, I make sure ALL of these occur! ... Rich B!)
1. Submit in the proper subcategory! Spend some time cruising the ODP and choose the best subcategory for your site. If your site is in a language other than English, you'll need to submit to the World category.
2. Create a businesslike and professional title and description. Be honest and sincere. Use your important keywords in your title and description.
3. Complete the submission form accurately and completely. You wouldn't believe how many people complete the form and put the URL in the title's spot or don't enter a description at all. Make sure that the URL is listed correctly.
4. Submit your main URL in the best subcategory. If you have an interior page that stands on its own and has a lot of relevant information, you can try submitting it into a second subcategory.
5. List a "last updated on " note on your site, but only if it's been updated very recently.
6. Make your site the best it can be! Do all graphics load? Are there any broken links?
7. Make sure that your site is easy to read with good color choices and an adequate sized font. Here's what one editor had to say:
"A black background and deep red font might look good in theory, but just try to read it and see how you feel."
8. If you have special requests, contact the editor of that category by clicking on the editor's name at the bottom of the category page. For example, let's say that you want your site to be listed in a third category, and you have a legitimate reason for wanting it. Contact the editor and explain your situation.
9. When writing to an editor, BE NICE! Do you honestly think an editor will go out of his/her way to fulfill a special request if you send a nasty note? No!
10. When writing to an editor, state your request simply and quickly. Editors don't have time to read through a mountain of information. Then, list your URL, the title of the site, a description, and the category (the complete path where you want the site listed). Don't make editors guess or have to figure out the category themselves. And, don't "demand" that your site be listed as cool!

Top Ten Things to Avoid
1. Don't submit in upper-level categories, such as Sports: Basketball. Instead, submit to the proper and exact subcategory, such as Sports: Basketball: Officiating and Rules: Basketball Hand Signals.
2. Don't just list keyword after keyword in the title or description. And, don't use an abundance of marketing hype in your title or description. Be professional!
3. Don't create a description that goes on and on and on. A few sentences are fine, but don't make it any longer than that.
4. Don't put your title and description in ALL CAPS.
5. Don't submit your site until it's ready for traffic and has recently been updated. Don't have a lot of broken links on your pages or graphics that don't load. Sites with a huge "under construction" sign on the first page and little else aren't ready for traffic. Neither is a site that has a "last updated on " that is months ago.
6. Don't submit pages of your site to every single category that you can possibly think of that halfway pertains to your site. Few editors will allow a page or site to be listed in more than two categories. Keep in mind that the editors write notes to other editors about certain sites. The last thing you want is for a bunch of editors to make comments such as, "too many submissions," "repeat submissions," or even worse, "spamming the index."
7. Don't submit your site every single day (or every other day) until it's accepted. If your site isn't indexed in three weeks, then submit it again, taking time to submit it properly.
8. If your site is only one page, work on it some more. Build original content! Create some interior pages before you submit. Some editors won't accept a site if it consists of only one page.
9. The ODP has really gotten strict about affiliate URLs, and those submissions are generally rejected immediately.
10. Be careful about using technology such as flash, shockwave, etc., that requires the editor to download an addon in order to view the site. Many editors will reject those sites.

July Search Engine News!From www.searchengine-news.com
Google's updated their index approximately June 28th based on the content they gathered around June 2nd. It should be noted, however, that sites with a high page rank and/or news content appear to be updated more frequently and much faster - some within 24hrs.

AOL UK Switches to Google - Around June 20th, AOL began their switch to the Google search engine, starting with the AOL UK search service. We expect the main AOL search engine to be switching over to Google any day now and even, perhaps, by the time you read this.

Inktomi Submission Resources - In March the free submit option to Inktomi (via HotBot) was removed. Although there still exists some other Inktomi powered sites that offer free submission. Since this "free" option is expected to cease entirely, there is also a good chance those that are remaining will be unavailable by the time you read this.

HotBot - HotBot's search results are currently powered by the Inktomi Search Engine. - No significant changes at HotBot this month.

AltaVista - Altavista did show an update for non-paid inclusion sites this month around June 13th with content spidered approximately April 18th.

Lycos - Fast Claims "Largest Engine" - According to Fast, they now index 22,150,605 more web pages than Google (as of June 16th). There is little doubt that this announcement was timed to coincide with recent bids by Fast to become Yahoo's search engine of choice.

During June, Lycos has added the Fast Forward >> feature to their search engine. Previously this feature was found only at their alltheweb.com site. Fast Forward loads the URL from the search results into a right hand portion of a browser window and creates a summary left hand search result display.

Firstgov.gov another engine powered by FAST, has began spidering non-government .com sites during late June. However, as of June 30th, they have not yet updated their index with content from these sites. It's also noteworthy that Firstgov appears to be a seperate index from the Fast's main SE that partners like Lycos use.

Open Directory Project - No significant changes this month at ODP.

LookSmart - LookSmart Execs Jump Ship - LookSmart announced during a June 25th conference call that, effectively immediately, three of their directors were resigning.

Yahoo - We're waiting anxiously to hear who will be Yahoo's new search provider of choice. As of June 30th they still had not announced who might replace the Yahoo/Google contract which is expiring the last day of June.

Overture adds new AutoBid Service. - June 28th, Overture released their new AutoBid service which is certainly going to makes waves in bidding and automated third party tool functions over the next few weeks. In a move likely intended to create more revenues for Overture, the new AutoBid feature allows advertisers to set the "Max Bid" they are willing to pay.

Undoubtably many new stategies are will be tested during the following weeks and we'll let you know what unfolds in the process. Stay tuned.


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