Design – Upgrades – Responsive / Mobile-Friendly Design – Optimizing (SEO) – SEM (Search Engine Marketing) / PPC (Pay-per-Click) – Ecommerce Setup – ADA Compliant
Original Designs & Upgrades!
1. Scanning of your logo/other images or helping you design it.
2. Links, E-mail links, S.S.L. Secure Order Forms, etc.
3. Registering of Domain Names (i.e. “”).
4. Very reasonable fee for maintenance of your site.
5. Unlimited e-mail addresses.
6. 1/2 of anticipated sum due initially.
7. “Submission” to the multiple major search engines! (Google, Altavista, Yahoo, DMOZ, HotBot, Excite, Northern Light, WebTop, Direct Hit, Lycos, Fast, LookSmart, AOL Search, MSN, iWon, Netscape, NBCi, and Web Crawler)
8. SEO – Search Engine Optimization – is an integral aspect of all sites that are designed by Rich’s Web Design. As I tell all of my potential clients,”It is easy to create a beautiful web site, but if no one can find it, it is almost useless.” I build sites so that they are accepted by the search engines and are formatted so that they appear as high in the rankings as possible. Notice how I worded that last phrase,”…so that they appear as high in the rankings as possible.” There are plenty of people out there that promise you “Guaranteed Top 10 Placement for only $$$ a month.” Believe these people and I have some oceanfront property for-sale in Arizona.
Note: Most of these are now charging for submissions to their databases. Whatever they charge, that is what I will list as my cost.
Note: With some search engines, submission does NOT mean automatic inclusion. Your site has to be professionally made, have a professional “look”, have no “under construction” pages, have no broken links, and have substance and significance. With Rich’s Web Design, as long as you provide me material about your company that has substance, I WILL DO THE REST!!
SEM (Search Engine Marketing) / PPC (Pay-per-Click)
Pay per click advertising programs get your web site placed high in the search engines’ sponsored results. The most effective program is Google AdWords, which supply their top pay per click listings to virtually all of the most-used engines. We bid for rankings, and pay the bid amount when a visitor clicks through and goes to your site. Depending on the competitiveness of your keyword, keywords or keyword phrases, your pay-per-click amount may be as low as $0.20 per click. For more competitive words or phrases, naturally the price is more. For ‘NYC Real Estate’ your cost may be $30 per click; For ‘Medical Insurance’ your cost may be $45 per click … It just depends on the competitiveness of your phrases.
Let’s use a “brick & mortar” gift shop as an example.
You have just opened a brand new gift shop that specializes in Hummels and spiritual nic-naks. The front of your store is very attractive and when a customer walks in, it looks like a gift shop should. It is organized so that each area is clearly defined and the check-out process is logical. You have contacted the local “Yellow Pages” and other phone companies and will be in the new phone books, coming out in 2 months.
The above example shows that you have “OPTIMIZED” your shop … or new web site. Your new web site also looks attractive, is logically layed-out and functions properly. You will now show up somewhere in the search engines, hopefully near the top. This may be fine, but do you need advertising?
To market your gift shop, you might want to purchase some air-time ads on a local radio station or even TV station. You should be careful which station you choose, what time of day, and what type of ad to use. You might want to decorate your delivery van in bright colors. All of these items cost $$ and sometimes works, sometimes does not.
SEM “Search Engine Marketing” is taking your well-oiled web site and purchasing advertising. At the present, the best advertising program for web sites is Google-AdWords. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising targets to the exact keyword phrase you wish. If you want to attract people in NC who might be interested in Hummels, you might want to purchase ads for the phrase,”NC Hummel figurines”, or “Hummel North Carolina”. This way when a person on Google, etc. does a search for “Hummel figurines in NC”, your ad will show up at the top of the screen. If that person decides to click your ad, then it would take them to your site. You might have to pay based on $.20 per click.
Would it be a good idea to SEM without SEO? Probably not. It’s like advertising your new gift shop, before you have carefully layed out your shop. Do you want visitors BEFORE your shop is ready? Probably not. Do you want visitors to your new web site BEFORE it is optimized and organized? Probably not.
Our pay per click advertising program services include:
Search Term Research
Campaign Recommendation
Title & Description Concepts
Titles & Descriptions Tailored
Campaign Placement
Monitoring & Reporting
Pay per click advertising program services cost are up to you, the business owner. The process can take as little as one week. Ongoing Support & Reporting is recommended, but never required.
Note that the fees charged by the pay per click engines are in addition to Rich’s Web Design’s fees. A budget cap will be set in advance, and these fees are never marked up in any way.
At Rich’s Web Design, we approach everything from a strategic marketing point of view. Our search engine marketing services are always tailored to your business’ unique goals and needs. We perform search engine marketing the ethical way and follow the industry’s best practices.

Doing whatever it takes to get your site up to speed!
I will be glad to help you out! … Just send me a note!